About Us

We Are Your Favourite Store.

BEEJA CROP SCIENCE are engaged in the marketing and distribution of agrochemical products under brands in-licensed by us, owned by us, to Indian farmers through our distribution network. We provide crop protection solutions to the farmer to assist them to maximize productivity and profitability. We sell our agrochemical products in granules, powder and liquid forms to our customers. BEEJA CROP SCIENCE Pvt Ltd has solutions for all major crops grown in the country including cotton, paddy, wheat, sugarcane, pulses, fruits & vegetables, plantation crops and others. BEEJA CROP SCIENCE Pvt Ltd products reach its customers more than 5000+ dealers across India.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!

4800 +
Served Farmers
Product Categories


To enhance business capabilities and effective internal controls, the company has invested in modern ERP System which supports real-time operations and better intelligence on data analysis for efficient and effective business decision making. The story of impacting global productivity begins with one simple word, “GROWTH”. Growth of crops. Growth of people. Growth of the industry. Growth of employees and Growth of our organization. We, at BEEJA CROP SCIENCE Pvt Ltd are propagating this simple philosophy of being the enablers of growth which is beyond expectations. We, as a brand, promise to uplift, inspire and protect every farmer’s ambition for growth and provide them with the most efficient, safe and reliable crop protection. The company is fully committed and have adopted a strategy of continuous expansion and development of high valued brands with a thrust on registration and marketing according to our customer needs and requirements to maintain its portfolio on a long run.
At BCS we understand that a thriving agricultural sector requires more than just products; it demands a partner that listens, innovates, and collaborates with farmers to ensure their success.

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